Tag - Golden Dawn

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Thursday 5 April 2012

Crowley Aleister - Liberal The Book of the Law

Author : Crowley Aleister (Crowley Edward Alexander) Title : Liberal The Book of the Law Year : 1938 Link download : Crowley_Aleister_-_Liberal_The_Book_of_the_Law.zip THE COMMENT. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The study of this Book is forbidden. It is wise to destroy this copy  […]

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Crowley Aleister - Liber DCCCXXXVII The Law of Liberty

Author : Crowley Aleister (Crowley Edward Alexander) Title : Liber DCCCXXXVII The Law of Liberty Year : 19** Link download : Crowley_Aleister_-_Liber_DCCCXXXVII_The_Law_of_Liberty.zip Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I. I am often asked why I begin my letters this way. No matter  […]

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Crowley Aleister - Liber CCCXXXIII The Book of Lies

Author : Crowley Aleister (Crowley Edward Alexander) Title : Liber CCCXXXIII The Book of Lies Year : 1913 Link download : Crowley_Aleister_-_Liber_CCCXXXIII_The_Book_of_Lies.zip COMMENTARY (Title Page). The number of the book is 333, as implying dis-persion, so as to correspond with the title,  […]

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Crowley Aleister - Liber 777

Author : Crowley Aleister (Crowley Edward Alexander) Title : Liber 777 Year : 1909 Link download : Crowley_Aleister_-_Liber_777.zip THE FOLLOWING is an attempt to systematise alike the data of mysticism and the results of comparative religion. The sceptic will applaud our labours, for that the very  […]

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Crowley Aleister - In residence

Author : Crowley Aleister (Crowley Edward Alexander) Title : In residence : the Don's guide to Cambridge Year : 1904 Link download : Crowley_Aleister_-_In_residence.zip ARTISTE'S FOREWORD. THESE poems are ali or nearly ali reprinted from the otherwise dull pages of the " Granta,"  […]

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Crowley Aleister - Goetia

Author : Crowley Aleister (Crowley Edward Alexander) Title : The book of the Goetia of Solomon the King Year : 1904 Link download : Crowley_Aleister_-_Goetia.zip PREFATORY NOTE. THIS translation of the First Book of the “Lemegeton” (now for the first time made accessible to English adepts and  […]

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Wednesday 4 April 2012

Fullera John Frederick Charles - The Star in the West

Author : Fullera John Frederick Charles Title : The Star in the West Year : 1907 Link download : Fullera_John_Frederick_Charles_-_The_Star_in_the_West.zip “Evoe! Evoe Ho! Iacche! Iacche!” “If you hold by anything in the world more than by reason, truth, and justice; if your will be uncertain and  […]

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Regardie Israel - The Art of True Healing

Author : Regardie Israel Title : The Art of True Healing Year : 19** Link download : Regardie_Israel_-_The_Art_of_True_Healing.zip Within every man and woman is a force which directs and controls the entire course of life. Properly used, it can heal every affliction and ailment to which mankind is  […]

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Crowley Aleister - Le livre du rassemblement des Forces

Auteur : Crowley Aleister (Crowley Edward Alexander) Ouvrage : Le livre du rassemblement des Forces (La Magie Enochienne de la Golden Dawn) suivi du LIBER LXXXIV Vel Chanokh et d'un extrait de La Vision et la voix Année : 1994 Lien de téléchargement :  […]

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Friday 16 March 2012

Gilbert R. A. - The Golden Dawn Scrapbook

Author : Gilbert R. A. Title : The Golden Dawn Scrapbook The rise and fall of a magical order Year : 1997 Link download : Gilbert_R_A_-_The_Golden_Dawn_Scrapbook.zip Introduction. When I first took up the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn 25 years ago, it was decidedly a minority interest. Today it  […]

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Balder Ex-Libris
Review of books rare and missing

Balder Ex-Libris